Climbing 8,000 Feet in Hawaii

My Experience at Hāna, Hawaii on April 12, 2023

First of all, Hāna is about 100 miles from Lāhainā, HI.

Once on the road – it’s approximately a 60 mile trip loaded with 120 sharp turns, 54 one-way bridges, and lots of traffic. The average speed is 15 miles per hour. (some 10 mph and some 25 mph)

Our day started at 8:00 am.

We hiked 3 miles en route and once there we decided to hike up to the Waimoku Falls in the Haleakala National Park. The falls drop 400 ft. The climb is 2 miles up steep terrain of which 50% is steps made of rock about 1 to 2 feet high. I used a bamboo stick someone gave me upon the start.

That day it rained off and on and the trail was a bit muddy. It took my girlfriend and I about 4.5 hours to make the trip, she is 69 years of age.

The most difficult part of the experience was coming back down – we were tired and the trail was slippery. I fell once – all was well.


We took the opportunity to chat with the older people coming down and no one that day was older than 60 years of age. When they learned my age, 81, they were aghast that I was there and taking on the journey.

When we finished our journey, I was honestly aghast that I had done it as well. I was not prepared for the 4 miles up and 4 miles down.

Next, we still had to drive back to Lāhainā in the dark. We returned to our resort at approximately 10:00 pm. I was sore for about a week! Going up and down stairs was a challenge – similar to working out on a step machine for a solid hour.

I would attribute my success, in both strength and energy, at the young age of 81 to taking an Arginine supplement for more than 12 years.

Coming Up Soon . . .

On May 21, I’m going on a 5-mile hike in Avon, Montana. I once had a gold mine near there. It will surely be a climb as well. I want to see what the state of Montana did with the reclamation of the mine. The road up is gated by the state and we must hike up to it. I’m going to Montana for my grandson’s graduation event. I’m planning to take him along on the hike – I hope he can keep up!

This is my story on this May 2nd 2023. I’m also having a Cinco de Mayo party at my home this Friday with a guest list of 14. I’m preparing Mexican food, tamales, enchiladas ala Rober and tacos. (I once owned 5 restaurants – one of which was French. Over a 10-year period I had 18 chefs – I learned a lot from them.)

I’m enjoying life. I hope you are as well.

Best to all of you!
Bob Weeks