Welcome to the Nitric Oxide Wellness Success System

This system was designed to ensure everyone involved in our affiliate program can achieve success. It’s a unique approach, unlike anything else on the market, as confirmed by the company who developed the affiliate system and who installed the system.

The potential is illustrated by a company currently selling Nitric Oxide pills made from nitrates. They sell 5,000,000 jars of this yearly at a price of $40.00/30 pills. They also say they have a study, well what kind of study? According to NIH, the maximum amount of Nitric Oxide that can be made from nitrates is 8.5%, 95% must come from arginine.

That tells you five things:

  1. The demand is there for Nitric Oxide
  2. The research supported by a government health agency [NIH], supports arginine as the only nutraceutical to make enough Nitric Oxide.
  3. The public needs the truth and a very well formulated nitric oxide product.
  4. This is your opportunity, and you will have 9 super edges and with each of them with the power to persuade.

The SYSTEM has been used for years to increase sales considerably. In this industry there has never been anything like it. It will make 1000’s of millionaires. Just to help you understand how successful just one aspect was for me in 2011. I joined Synergy as an affiliate and sold Proargi9 plus, which is an arginine supplement (many times weaker than Nitric Oxide Plus) and it sold for $89.95/jar for 30 doses. At the 1 st banquet for the honors of the most sales for the year, the president came by my table (there were over 1000 of us in the banquet room in Las Vegas) and said to me “Do you know what is happening for you today here”? I said no, what? He said all the awards were won by you and that has never happened, “How did you do it? I told him I had used a book written 10 years earlier by Louis Ignarro, the Nobel Lauret on Nitric Oxide, called “NO More Heart Disease”. This is the most important thing I can tell you, That book compared to the newly published eBook “NO More Cardiovascular Disease”, was a dinosaur. This new book has over 30 years of research by Dr Rainer Boger MD, the #1 scientist and researcher on Nitric Oxide and cardiovascular disease in the world. Also there have been 60,000 researchers since the Ignarro book on the same subject. Our newly published book has taken all the knowledge and research available. With this book, anybody can be successful. What I didn’t tell the president was that I had a SYSTEM. The system was developed over many years and with the amount of success you would not normally believe, but I have the awards to prove my success and in today’s dollars it is over $6,000,000 in commissions in life insurance and that was yearly. Remember life insurance is not what everyone wants or needs, unlike Nitric Oxide that everyone should want and need.

The great accomplishment in this system is the 9 super edges. Any one of these super 9 edges should be enough for your success. (Remember an edge is the power to persuade) I have put together an unbelievable opportunity that can make success most probable. I never had a product that everyone needs, wants once they discover it, and loves it once they take it. This improves your power to persuade dramatically. If you cannot be successful, it is because you are not trying or not working the system.

THE SYSTEM: (9 fantastic EDGES)

Edge #1

1. Nitric Oxide: The Ultimate Health Benefit Nitric Oxide is unmatched in its health benefits. The Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for its discovery and significance to our health—a fact that took the Nobel committee 10 years to fully understand and recognize. This benefit exceeds all benefits from all other nutraceuticals because it is so important to our sustained health and longevity. Click on this link for further information on longevity and aging.

Edge #2

2. A complete analysis of competing products and why our products out gun all competition. They are based on complete science with support from the 8 studies published by the National Institute of Health (NIH). Our products are realistically 800% to 1200% better and more effective. Click on this link to review the analysis. URL The post script from the eBooks. This Post Script establishes that our products are light years ahead of everyone else and that we prove it with science and National Institute Of Health (NIH) Taking Nitrate pills, beet root powder or gummies are totally worthless or products with the wrong ratio of arginine/citrulline or products with 1 dose per day are 1/4th as effective. Also to get the full benefit from Nitric Oxide, you must have 5000 mgs of arginine titrated into you over 24 hours every day. See the dissertation, click on this your most up to date analysis of all products. Once you peruse this discussion you will understand how powerful our products are for Nitric Oxide production. With 500 companies selling arginine products, I don’t believe any of them have a scientist that formulated their product. They are all me too. This is the discussion on the competition, click on this URL.

URL https://nitricoxidewellness.com/compare-the-competition/

Edge #3

3. Dr. Rainer Boger MD: The Leading Expert– Dr.Rainer Boger has spent over 30 years researching Nitric Oxide and Cardiovascular Disease, with more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers published on the subject. For years, Expertscape.com has ranked him as the world’s top scientist in this field out of 60,000 researchers on
L-arginine/Nitric Oxide. No other arginine or Nitric Oxide product comes close to this science, research and it is backed up by NIH reports.

Edge #4

4. Your Tools for Success I have authored two books on the science and health benefits of Nitric Oxide: “Nitric Oxide” and “NO More Cardiovascular Disease.” These two books are your tools. They are free to you. I have invested $25,000 in completing the publication of both books. Your job is to get others to read them, that is more difficult than you might think, people are lazy and do not like to read. If you bear testimony, that will really help. They encapsulate 30 years of research by thousands of scientists and Dr.Rainer Boger’s many years of scientific research work. I can promise you this, first of all if you read them, you will be a truly educated person on Nitric Oxide, and second of all, the same will be for your prospects. There is no way if you read them that you are going to be successful in this project. If you only did this one thing, that would be enough.

Edge #5

5. A Fair and Affordable Affiliate Program This program stands out for its ease and fairness. Unlike other affiliate companies that charge exorbitant prices, we refused to downgrade our product quality or reduce doses or increase prices. This is unheard of in the MLM industry, where the average markup is 10 to 15 times and often with low quality, exactly opposite from their oratory.

Edge #6

6. The unique Sponsorship Program As an affiliate, you’re not just sharing a product; you’re building a lasting income stream. Earn $10 for every jar sold by someone you directly sponsor. But the rewards don’t stop there. For every jar sold by individuals three levels beneath those you sponsor, you earn an additional $5 for every jar sold. This structure is designed to ensure that your efforts in building and supporting a strong network are continually rewarded, creating a ripple effect of income as your team grows. Remember 4 levels of signups can yield $160,000/year, if the matrix fills up, and it will if everyone is consciously working it. This is 3 times the average wage. And most importantly, you do not have to work 40 hours/week, 52 weeks per year and then must start over the next year. The incentive is so strong that nobody drops out because the obligation is only 1 jar per month and that is always less than the commissions. Once you are on the products and see the results, you do not want to stop taking them.

Edge #7

7. The greatest incentive program ever developed! You could call it a Free GIFT or free Lunch Program. It is innovative and the exclusive feature of the Nitric Oxide Wellness Program. Our Free gift incentive Program offers you a unique advantage. When someone from your upline places a sponsor directly underneath you, you earn $4 for every jar sold by that new affiliate. Plus, you receive $2 per jar for each person within three levels beneath them. Your upline can only place 7 people directly under themselves. Of course, they will want to do more and the system allows that by going down the matrix and filling in slots that are open, and of course they get full pay, no penalties. This means you benefit not only from your own efforts but also from the actions of those above you in your upline, adding an extra stream of income to your earnings. It’s a powerful way to grow your network and income simultaneously, making it easier than ever to achieve your financial goals.

Edge #8

8. Payments of commissions must be requested in your back office, and you can do it weekly or monthly. Payment processes automatically. This edge is unique because it has huge incentives for those working the program.

Edge #9

9. Why This System Was Created for average people like You; The System is the greatest sales tool ever created. I know because it worked in my great past sales programs, Life insurance for over 10 years as the #1 salesman in 3 companies and the #1 in a huge MLM company with 30,000 distributors. All you must do is follow the program’s direction. If that is too much move on. I am giving you the keys and they are also the keys to the bank. Use them!

I plan to develop 100’s and maybe 1000’s of millionaires. This will be the greatest program ever!! There are millions of people who have lost their good paying jobs because of their age. They are now working below their standard of living. This is yours and their opportunity.

This system was designed with your success in mind. So why not share these incredible products with others? Not only can you help people majorly improve their health and energy and slow down aging (with tons of research and years of science), but you can also earn extra income—or even a small fortune. The SYSTEM is a money machine. Anybody who reads one or both of the eBooks will buy into the program. Nitric Oxide is the most important health benefit for longevity and health ever discovered. Our production of Nitric Oxide is in a downward spiral from 30 years of age. Our DNA was not designed for us to live past 35 years of age. By 50 years of age Nitric Oxide production is down 80%, and by 60 it is down 90%. The Nobel Prize for medicine in 1989 had to award this scientific find because it was so powerfully important to our health and longevity and it took them 10 years of observation and analysis.

This is the best part. Once the payouts start, they only increase because no one will want to lose out on their commissions because commissions will exceed 1 jar a month purchase on subscription. This ensures steady purchases and sustained income. And most importantly the payout can happen weekly, you just have to request it, from your back office.

Your Next Steps

Download and read both of our eBooks, Nitric Oxide and No More Cardiovascular Disease. It’s crucial to understand and believe in the information before you share it with others. These books are the culmination of decades of research and are powerful tools for anyone serious about health and longevity. I have had people say can’t you do the books in kindle? We are working on that, however everyone has 1 ½ hours to read each of the books.

Join Our Affiliate Program

Ready to get started? Sign up as an affiliate by clicking and purchasing 1 jar/month on subscription.
You’ll receive your own referral link to share with others and watch your network—and income—grow.

You Have your personal Edge!!

When you share our products with family and friends, they’ll want to believe you. You have the edge—just like Clint Eastwood’s character in Josey Wales who always faced his enemies with the sun in their eyes. He could now outgun them. Use our tools as additional edges. The SYSTEM gives you enormous EDGEs and makes success within everyone’s reach. You can outgun the competition on scientific information and of feeling great and knowing your cardiovascular system and your organs will be in the best of health, especially in health conditions such as high blood pressure and much more. This will benefit health and longevity.

Click on these URL’s:

Book #1 Nitric Oxide

Book #2 NO More Cardiovascular Disease

Your SYSTEM for success; Follow this outline:

  1. Tell your prospects about NO and bear testimony of the benefits and if you have had any bear that testimony.
  2. Send the discussion and video on Nitric Oxide
  3. Send the eBook or eBooks, depending on age and health
  4. Introduce the System outlined here. That should open up their appetite for the deal.
  5. Send the opportunity discussion with charts and income analysis. This will close the deal!!
  6. Attempt to close after the prospect has reviewed each section. This gives you an indication of where they are.
  7. Anybody who rejects the concept of promoting Nitric Oxide for better health, longer life and a money reward, must be too old and in dementia. There is solid scientific research that demonstrates the total health value. And the knowledge that as we age the DNA was not ready for us to live longer than 35 years of age and as such, we can not produce enough to be healthy with Nitric Oxide for the rest of your life. Nitric Oxide as a signaling molecule has a multitude of responsibility for our organs, cardiovascular and heart health.
  8. You should close better than 90% of all contacts and prospects. Let the tools and the System do the work. Don’t try to outperform the tools. It would most likely be difficult. What you want to do is add credibility.
  9. The demand has been established with companies selling millions of jars of worthless nitrate pills with a magical strip showing before and after Nitric Oxide levels in the mouth. Totally worthless because it never gets into the blood to produce Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide must come from the organ that makes it, the endothelium in the vessels from L-arginine and only from L-arginine.
  10. You will not know when your prospect is ready to join the sales program. They may jump right in from the very beginning. The idea is to take it at their speed. Feed them information as they want to move forward. You could have a dozen people in the pipeline. You must work through them at their speed. This is how you can make a million dollars in time. I know because I developed the SYSTEM and when I followed it, I made more than 1 million dollars per year.

That is your opportunity, take it and run with it. Nitrates can only produce up to 8.5% of Nitric Oxide, (NIH statement from 8 studies) but these pills and beet root powder produce maybe 1.5% of our need. 60,000 bottles of pills according to Amazon/month and 20,000 beet root gummy jars/month and 30,000 beet root powder jars/month. ($30.00/packages). Totally valueless all. If you cannot expose and outsell that, you are not trying. Once the customer tries our products, immediately they know the difference. See the post script from the eBooks with a compete dissertation on this subject.

Best to you,

Bob Weeks
801 892 9501
Cardio and Heart Wellness